
A Product Designer by trade

I have a passion for creating design solutions that people enjoy and are loyal to, while being closely aligned with my clients' business objectives. My experience in leadership and developing products has helped me achieve success in various projects and with clients from different industries.

I've put a lot of effort into creating a welcoming and efficient environments for Design and Product teams at startups in different growth stages. I focus on design systems and design ops to streamline design processes, reduce errors and inconsistencies, and improve collaboration and communication across teams.

My natural discipline and organization have allowed me to thrive (and help others thrive) in remote teams, collaborating with amazing in-house collaborators or third-party contractors, including data scientists, developers, marketers, product leads, project managers, researchers, C-level stakeholders, and other designers.

In my spare time, I support Product and UX Designers providing spaces for professionals to practice their skills and coaching them to get their next dream job and further develop their technology careers.

I'm also skilled in marketing, branding, illustration, typography, datavis, and web and mobile applications, as well as user research and analysis, making me a well-rounded and versatile designer.


Start a project
or just chat

Here are some starter conversations
that will catch my attention:

“Lets chat about Coffee”
“Are you free for a project”

Use with caution ...

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